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Dec 27, 2013

Guide : Photoshop Skin

Now I will tell the guide
actually really easy
it's just that if you feel concerned, this is a detailed explanation...

  1. First, Download the Photoshop skin are made from me
    Example : PSCS6 Skin : BRS [Darkness Rock Shooter]
  2. Then, extract the downloaded, up to want to put it where
  3. After that you will find a file named "PSart"
  4. Just copy the File
  5. Put The File in This Territory, There Are Two Territories
    If x64 Bit  : Local Disk (C:)/Program files/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)
    If x32 Bit (x86) : Local Disk (C:)/Program files (x86)/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop CS6
  6. Just Click the "Copy and Replace" and when asked for permission click "Continue"

  7. Done Well, This is the Result

  8. If you want the Original PSart Click "HERE"
  9. Free to Ask me if there is have some Problem
Guide By : Jadidm


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